The Leeds School of
Art, Architecture and Design

Research One

Jonny Briggs


The subject matter for my interests harks back to my undergraduate days between 1997 and 1999. Where my very badly written dissertation explored the idea of Globalisation within design. Something that I didn't feel had happened yet. The internet was still pretty new ( to me and most 'normal' people anyway ) and we still received the majority of our knowledge in a slightly time-lapsed and localised manner. This was a time, not too long ago, when you actually had to pay for an email account and the worlds biggest search engine was something called Alta Vista.

I believe the people at Google were still thinking at this point.

The only access I had to the Internet was in the lecturer’s office within the University. This is where I learnt to code/ hack in a very basic manner. But it was this small amount of access to that one machine - if memory serves me correctly it was an Apple Performma 6300. A powerhouse of its time.

That led me in to a world that as a design student was like alchemy. Programming and coding was practiced by mathematicians and computer science geeks, not Graphic design students. I felt like the lid had been taken off, inside was a big box of very confusing wires, they don't like to make it easy for you, if you’re not already a member of the genius club! 

Not many people were writing about the designer coder at the time, possibly Steven Heller being the most aware. Other influences stemmed from Patrick Walker, my tutor at the time and later to be colleague and friend. These people kept my interest and encouraged what was a niche interest on a traditional design degree. 

The thing that hooked my attention were things like Ian Sinclair’s walks of discovery and Italo Calvino’s musing on Marco Polo’s Invisible Cities - the idea that someone, who supposedly never left Venice could imagine worlds far away. I loved the idea of capturing a global moment in time from a single geographic point.


Leaping forward to the present day via Macromedia Director, Flash and various text based code editors and a load of commercial web projects. I find myself wanting to channel a small part of what I have learned and bring it back in to design and illustration. There are lots of interesting people and designers working in the field of generative imagery and visualising data at the moment, all with good merit. Particularly Matt Pike [ Universal Everything ] and Karsten Schmidtt AKA Toxi. These are people writing proprietary code with reasonable sized budgets with large gallery backing and commercial interest. Their latest outing with Super Computer Romantics was something to behold.

My aim is to merge a load of existing API's and code libraries and write a small compact program that creates images about a single moment within a day. A document that references a single moment in time. This may seem a bit pointless and arbitrary, but for me the interest lies in the fact that after I've written the code and unleashed it on the world. All of the image making will be done by other people’s actions and random events, not controlled by me. My program will have some say on the final output, but will have no control over the input. I'm interested to see, if over the period of 365 days any of the images produced, somehow reflect the events of the world on that day. Or in anyway reflect the headlines of the day after. 
(Much as Marco polo did with his time-lapsed version of the far reaches of the globe). I'm also fascinated to see if they are beautiful objects, with artistic merit. I am, after all approaching this with the sensibilities of a Graphic Designer. But will my influences get lost amongst the random events?

I've demoed a much smaller version of this experiment using a static dataset of the Fortune 1000 companies. The program runs through the dataset 1 by 1 until it reaches 1000. Only leaving 1 image at the end. Every subsequent input obliterates part of the original image, therefore creates a new deeper more interesting image. For me this produced some really simple, interesting outcomes but the inputs were far too predictable. I should at this point say that everything will be produced using a combination of Php, MySQL and PHP GD libraries. Very old stuff in terms of open source code. 

In terms of timescales I'm looking at around 24 months to complete the project.

