The Leeds School of
Art, Architecture and Design

Research + Enterprise

Research + Enterprise is a metaphysic for the School -- a first principle that informs all that we do. We pursue high quality research, with quality outputs that underpin the School's core aims to provide stimulation, education and training for students, enabling them to participate in and positively contribute to the creation of an enduring physical and human environment.

Our research + enterprise is designed to further enhance our external profile and reputation by developing partnerships both within and outside the University, and by engaging in commercial enterprise with the professions communities and organisations that support our courses. Our research into action approach demonstrates how our thinking impacts on the professional areas that we cover, and the broader spectrum of our community enterprise.

In pursuit of these aims, we will:

Continue the process of strengthening and improving the quality of the research outputs of individual staff members;

Further develop the value -- both financial and academic -- and range of external research income, with clear plans for the dissemination of the impact of externally-funded research + enterprise projects both inside and outside the University;

Continue to encourage and develop inter-faculty research collaboration and to exploit synergies between the School, other areas of the Faculty, the University and the world outside;

Continue to underpin the curriculum development and the assessment, learning and teaching within the School by the research, enterprise and scholarly activity of the staff.

The Valley, Philips Park, Bradford, Manchester 11.

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